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Biological Safety Cabinet Certification Process

Class One Air will need the following information in order to certify your Biological Safety Cabinet:
  1. Contact name, address, phone number, email and location (building, room, floor, lab name)
  2. Quantity and type of units needing certification (biosafety cabinet or laminar flow clean bench)
  3. Email the information to
After receiving the above information, Class One Air will contact you to schedule an appointment.
 All BSCs to be certified must have all items removed and the cabinet must be properly decontaminated:
  • Use a freshly prepared solution of 10% bleach followed by an additional wipe down with 70% ethanol or water.
  • If equipment is used in the BSC, the cabinet should be certified with that equipment in place; please discuss this with the Class One Air technician.
  • All equipment must be surface decontaminated.