Hazardous Waste
Research Safety works to ensure compliance with federal, state, and local safety and environmental regulations in the collection and proper disposal of chemical, radioactive, and biological waste generated by the research, teaching, and clinical operations at Northwestern University. Read the Hazardous Waste Disposal Guide for more information.
- Do not autoclave biological waste.
- Label all waste bags and containers with PI name and date before final disposal.
- Biological waste should be disposed of in designated biological waste bins, and the lid must close. If the biohazard bin is full, please use the QR code by the bin to submit a waste pickup; do not leave any containers or bags on the floor.
Biohazardous Sharp Waste
- Glass pipettes
- Syringes (with or without needles)
- Glass slides and cover slips
- Hypodermic needles
- Razor blades, scalpel blades, t-pins
- All biohazardous sharp waste must be disposed of in the biohazard sharp bin
Solid Biohazardous Waste
- Plastic tubes, plastic bottles (emptied)
- Plastic petri dishes
- Flasks
- Contaminated paper or gauze
- Gloves
- Small Tissue Pieces
- All biohazardous waste must go in double red/orange biohazard bags
- The bags must be in a rigid outer container while in use
Liquid Biohazardous Waste
- Mix the waste with 1 part bleach to nine parts liquid, let stand 20 minutes then pour down the drain with plenty of running water
Burn Boxes/Incineration Boxes
- Serological pipettes
- Plastic automatic pipette tips
- Plastic transfer pipettes
- When the container is 80% full, close it and dispose in the closest biohazard bin
- Do not autoclave biological waste.
- Label all waste bags and containers with PI name and date before final disposal.
- Biological waste should be disposed of in designated biological waste bins, and the lid must close. If the biohazard bin is full, please use the QR code by the bin to submit a waste pickup; do not leave any containers or bags on the floor.
Chicago Campus Locations
- CCM: Lurie 1 Dock
- Lurie: 3-228, 4-228, 5-228, 6-228, 7-228, 8-222, 9-271, 10-214, 11-220
- McGaw: M-519
- Olsen: 8-402E, MRI O-212
- Searle: Freight elevator vestibules on floors 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13 and 15; 4-416
- Simpson Querrey: Freight elevator vestibules on floors 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 and 11; 6-319
- Tarry: 2-hallway, 3-745, 4-745, 6-707, 7-745, 8-751, 11-756A, 12-732, 13-703, 14-774, 15-758, 16-732, 16-758 (restricted)
- Ward: 3-260, 6-003, 9-258 in 250, 9-312, 10-022, 11-100, 12-226, 12-hall, 13-134, 14-hall
Evanston Campus Locations
- 1801 Maple: 2160, 4160, 6240
- Tech: B-370 (restricted), DG-62 (accessible), E-211 (accessible), J-115A (restricted)
- Hogan: 5-141 (accessible)
- Cook: 2-078 (restricted), 2-160 (accessible), 3-150 (accessible)
- Mudd: 4600 (accessible), 5318 (accessible)
- Pancoe: 3-343 (accessible), 4-343 (accessible)
- Ryan: 1029 (restricted), 3029 (restricted)
- Silverman: B-705 (accessible), 1-571 (restricted), 1-721 (restricted), 2-569 (restricted), 2-589 (restricted), 3-710 (restricted), 4-541 (accessible)
- Frances-Searle: B-202 (restricted)
Sharps Waste
- Glass pipettes
- Syringes (with or without needles)
- Pipette tips
- Glass slides and cover slips
- Hypodermic needles
- Razor blades, scalpel blades, t-pins
Approved Containers:
- Varying sizes of sharps containers with radioactive label applied
Pick-up Request
- Request through Lumen
Solid Biohazardous Waste
- Plastic tubes, plastic bottles (emptied)
- Plastic petri dishes
- Flasks
- Contaminated paper or gauze
- Gloves
- Small tissue pieces
Approved Containers:
- Double biohazard bags inside rigid 10 gal or 22 gal radioactive waste drum with biohazard label applied
Pick-up Request:
- Request through Lumen; seal interior bag and seal container lid
Keep lid on top while in use
Liquid Waste
- Liquids only
Approved Containers:
- 1 gal carboy with approved funnel
- 5 gal carboy with approved funnel
Pick-up Request:
- Request through Lumen
- List all chemical constituents
- Ensure container label information matches Lumen waste pick-up request
- For pick-up, remove funnel and seal tight
Scintillation Vials
Includes scintillation vials only
Approved containers:
- 5 gal buckets with “Vials Only” label
Pick-up Request:
- Request through Lumen
- Seal interior bag and seal container lid
Approved Containers:
- Double-bagged biological waste bags with PI name and date
Pick-up Request:
- Coordinate pick-up with HPS
In Lab Storage:
- Keep in freezer
Lead Pigs
- Uncontaminated, open lead-lined pigs only with defaced RAM symbol
Approved Containers
- Varying sizes of clean boxes
Pick-up Request:
- Request through Lumen